A former Professional Writing Minor has provided a gift to the Writing Program to support first-generation students in the Minor. This gift funds two scholarships of $1000 each year.
Interested first-generation students* in the Minor should submit a résumé along with a response (no more than 300 words) to the prompt that is found in the application at this link: First-Generation Scholarship Application.
A panel of Writing Program faculty will judge the applications and the awards will be announced early in the spring quarter.
DEADLINE: Applications in 2025 are due before 4:00pm on Friday, March 7.
The Prompt
How has writing contributed to your success as a first-generation student in academic, professional, and/or community contexts?
Important information for applicants
If you are receiving financial aid, this award could impact your financial aid status. Please consult with your financial aid officer before applying for the award.
* We’re using UCSB’s definition of first-generation students: the first in their immediate family to graduate with a bachelor’s degree from a 4-year university.