Feminist rhetoric, creative nonfiction, digital media and rhetoric
PhD Clemson University
Rhetorics, Communication and Information Design
August 2014
Dissertation: Chiasmic Rhetoric: Alan Turing at the Intersection of Bodies and Words
Advisers: Steven Katz (Chair), Cynthia Haynes, Diane Perpich, and Travers Scott
MA Georgetown University
Communication, Culture and Technology
Graduated May 2009
BA Columbia College
Communication and Music (double major)
Graduated May 2005
Patricia Fancher has a PhD in Rhetoric and studies rhetorical theory, feminist and queer rhetoric and digital media. She teaches Writing and Gender Studies, Digital Storytelling, Rhetoric, Writing 2, among other courses. Her research has been published in Peitho, Composition Studies, Rhetoric Review, Present Tense, Computers & Composition and Enculturation. In addition to her research, she also designs and produces feminist digital media, which can be found in the Fall 2015 and 2016 issues of Peitho Journal. She's also published creative non-fiction essays in Huffington Post, Washington Post, Northwest Review, Catapult and Avidly.
“The Love Letter Generator That Foretold ChatGPT” JSTOR Daily
"The Original Turing Test was a Drag Show" Slate, June 2024.
Queer Techné: Bodies, Rhetorics, and Desire in the History of Computing, NCTE Studies in Writing and Rhetoric, 2024.
"We Need to Tell a Different Love Story" Electric Literature, June 2023.
"How to Be a Woman." The Sun Magazine, April 2023
"My Mother's Wedding" Huffington Post, Jan 2023.
with Michael J. Faris. “Social Network Analysis and Feminist Methodology,” Methods and Methodologies for Research in Digital Writing and Rhetoric: Centering Positionality in Computers and Writing Scholarship, Edited by Crystal VanKooten and Victor Del Hierro WAC Clearinghouse, 2022. pp. 135-162
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2022.1541.2.06
"Yearning for Peitho, Goddess of Consent Culture." Northwest review. Spring 2022
“I wasn’t allowed to celebrate holidays growing up. Now, I revel in hosting my queer, polyamorous family.” Lily, Nov 23, 2021
“A Feeling for the Algorithms: A Feminist Heuristic for Researching with Algorithms,” Journal of Multimodal Rhetoric, vol. 5 issue 2, 2021.
"An Archive of Reckless Touch" Avidly Los Angeles Review of Books, Feb 2021
"Review of Queering Romantic Engagement in the Postal Age: A Rhetorical Education" Peitho Volume 23 Issue 1 Fall 2020. With Amelia Rodriquez.
"Feminist Practices in Digital Humanities Research: Visualizing Women Physician’s Networks of Solidarity, Struggle and Exclusion" Peitho, 22.2. Winter 2020. with Gesa Kirsch, & Alison Williams.
“My Body Is an Archive” Catapult Magazine, Feb 10, 2020
“Social Networks as a Powerful Force for Change: Women in the History of Medicine and Computing.” Remembering Women. Ed. Lynee Lewis Gaillet & Helen Gaillet. University of South Carolina Press, 2019. with Gesa Kirsch
"TechnoFeminist Design" Special Issue: TechnoFeminism: (Re)Generations and Intersectional Futures, Eds Dànielle Nicole DeVoss, Angela Haas, & Jackie Rhodes Computers and Composition Online. March 2019
“Misogyny in the Classroom: Two Women Lecturer’s Stories.” Composition Studies, vol. 46 no. 2, 2018. with Ellen O’Connell Whittet.
“The Oral History of Isla Vista Archive: Using Soundwriting to Tell Digital Microhistories” Soundwriting Pedagogies. Ed. Courtney Danforth Micheal Farris and Kyle Stedman. Computers and Composition Digital Press, 2018. with Josh Mehler
“Tropes of Feminine AI” Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collective Blog, April 11, 2018.
"Embodying Turing’s Machine: Queer, Embodied Rhetorics in the History of Digital Computation." Rhetoric Review (2017): 1-15.
“From Installation to Remediation” Peitho 18.1, Fall 2015. (coauthored with Jenn Fishman) [http://cwshrc.org/newwork2015/about.html]
Curator and web-developer, CWSHRC New Work Showcase, Published in Peitho 18.1, Fall 2015. [http://cwshrc.org/actionhour2016/]
with Carl Whithaus and Andrew Mara. “Review of Marshall McLuhan: You Know Nothing of My Work by Douglas Coupland” Enculturation 9:2 (2011), 21 December 2011.
Writing 2: Academic Writing
Writing 105R: Rhetoric
Writing 109GS: Writing and Gender Studies
Writing 161: Digital Storytelling, open to Professional Writing minor students only.
Writing 256: Writing Research for Public Audiences, open to Graduate students only.