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Madeleine Sorapure teaches Multimedia Writing, Document Design and Production, Digital Portfolio, and Digital Storytelling. She is co-director of the Multimedia Communication track of the Professional Writing Minor and author of articles on the rhetoric of data visualization, multimodal composing and pedagogy published in Kairos, Computers and Composition, Big Data & Society, Journal of Business and Technical Communication, and elsewhere. She is also an associate dean in the Division of Undergraduate Education.
Madeleine Sorapure teaches Multimedia Writing, Document Design and Production, Digital Portfolio, and Digital Storytelling. She is co-director of the Multimedia Communication track of the Professional Writing Minor and author of articles on the rhetoric of data visualization, multimodal composing and pedagogy published in Kairos, Computers and Composition, Big Data & Society, Journal of Business and Technical Communication, and elsewhere. She is also an associate dean in the Division of Undergraduate Education.
“User Perceptions of Actionability in Data Dashboards.” Journal of Business and Technical Communication 37.3 (2022).
“Anthropographics in COVID-19 Simulations.” Big Data & Society 9.1 (2022): https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/20539517221098414.
“Data Narratives: Visualization & Interactivity in Representations of COVID-19.” In Routledge Companion to Narrative Theory. Paul Dawson and Maria Makela, eds. (2022).
Text, Image, Data, Interaction: Understanding Information Visualization.” Computers and Composition 54 (2019).
“Teaching Dear Data.” (with A. Fauni). Kairos 24.1 (2019): http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/25.1/praxis/sorapure-fauni/index.html.
“Review of Getting Personal.” Biography. 42.2 (2019): 404-406.
“Context, Strategy, Identity: A History of Change in the UC Santa Barbara Writing Program.” (with L. Adler-Kassner). In Weathering the Storm: Independent Writing Programs in the Age of Fiscal Austerity. Richard N. Matzen Jr. & Matthew Abraham, eds. Utah State University Press, 2019.
“Autobiography Scholarship 2.0?: Understanding New Forms of Online Life Writing.” Special Issue of Biography on “Online Lives 2.0,” John Zuern and Laurie McNeill, Eds.
(In Janice Walker et. al.) "Computers and Composition 20/20: A Conversation Piece." Computers and Composition 28 (2011): 327-326.
Common Culture: Reading and Writing about American Popular Culture. (with M. Petracca). Seventh Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey; Prentice Hall, 1995, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2011.
Reading Popular Culture. (with M. Petracca). New York; Penguin, 2011.
"Information Visualization, Web 2.0, and the Teaching of Writing," Computers and Composition 27 (2010): 59-70.
Review of CCCC 2010 Session D.24, "Scholarship, Remix, and the Database." (with James P. Purdy). Kairos 15.1 (Fall 2010):
"Moving Writing: A Critical Approach to Animation in Composition." (2009). In Digital Tools in Composition Studies. Ed. Byron Hawk, Ollie Oviedo, and Joyce Walker. Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press.
"The Lifewriting of Dataselves: Autobiographical Acts in New Media."(2008). In Reading (and Writing) New Media, Cheryl Ball and Jim Kalmbach, Eds. Hampton Press.
"Introducing Inventio." (with Karl Stolley). Kairos 12, 1 (Fall 2007): http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/12.1/binder.html?inventio/index.htm.
"Text, Image, Code, Comment: Writing in Flash," Computers and Composition 23, 4 (2006): 412-429.
"Between Modes: Assessing Student New Media Compositions," Kairos 10.2 (Winter 2006).
- Winner of the Kairos Best Webtext Award, 2005.
- reprinted in Concepts in Composition: Theory and Practice in the Teaching of Writing 2nd edition. Irene L. Clark, ed. New York; Routledge, 2011
"Five Principles of New Media: Or, Playing Lev Manovich," Kairos 8, 2 (Winter 2004).
"Screening Moments, Scrolling Lives: Diary Writing on the Web," Biography 26, 1 (Winter 2003).