Event: Starting Lines Publication Party (1/15/21)

You are invited to an online celebration of UCSB student writing and the publication party for the 2020 issue of Starting Lines. Starting Lines is a publication of the University of California at Santa Barbara Writing Program, and it is dedicated to publishing the best work that students produce in Linguistics 10, Writing 1, and Writing 2. Every year for the last 13 years, Starting Lines has been published, and you can depend on it being published next year by Hayden McNeil, our new publishing partner.

We will have Dr. Amy Propen welcoming us, Dr. Mashey Bernstein presenting The "Mashey Bernstein Future Writer Award," readers sharing their work from the 2020 edition of Starting Lines, and Dr. Patterson and myself acknowledging all of the folks who writing and photography was published in Starting Lines.

Friday, January 15, 2021, from 12 pm - 1 pm
Read the latest digital pieces from this issue of Starting Lines at http://www.startinglinesmagazine.com
Starting Lines Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 627 606 1788
Passcode: SL2020