The Writing Program is proud to be a co-sponsor of the new Leadership and Advocacy Certificate through the UCSB Professional and Continuing Education School.
Empowered as speakers, writers, and communicators, the leaders of tomorrow will have an unprecedented opportunity to gain experience and expertise as they prepare to take their place in their many communities. The Leadership and Advocacy Certificate Program is an exciting, integrated program dedicated to leadership through effective communication. Linked to UCSB’s Public Speaking Initiative (, the courses in this program introduce students to the theories and practice of persuasion, justice, advocacy, civic responsibility, and local and global awareness.
This Professional Certificate Program Provides:
* Skill development for effective leadership, advocacy, and civic engagement;
* Strategies for engaging in research regarding leadership and advocacy;
* Practice in developing leadership and advocacy within their communities and social events; and,
* Opportunities to learn from and with local leaders and activists.
Intended Audience: Students and community professionals from all disciplines interested in careers in advocacy and community engagement, and individuals wishing to study specific subjects without pursuing the certificate.
See the certificate website on the Professional and Continuing Education website.