Robert Samuels Publishes New Book on Higher Education

Robert Samules' new book, Educating Inequality: Beyond the Political Myths of Higher Education and the Job Market has just been published by Routledge.

The book addresses the need for changes in public policy in order to rework financial aid systems so as to reduce inequality and create social mobility. Education Inequality explores the issues involved in creating a more open and equal society by delving into the unfairness of the social system, the promotion of compeition based on a hierarchal framework, and how democracy and capitalism work in higher education. The book aims to reveal the myths regarding views on higher education and its relation to the economy and economic mobility.

After writing Why Public Higher Education Should be Free, Samuels said he had the chance to meet with many politicians and school officials, and kept hearing the same myths being repeated about how higher education can fix all our economic and social problems. "My research shows that in its current state, American higher ed increases inequality and decreases social mobility on the whole," he said in regards to his findings. "I also discuss the way our competitve grading system trains students to accept inequality and anit-social individualism."

By exploring methods that promote economic mobility and social equality, the book focuses on the need for a "broader vision for public higher education to promote universal equality and global awareness."

A Lecturer in the Writing Program, Robert Samuels teaches a variety of classes including, Rhetoric and Writing, Writing for the Social Sciences, Writing and Public Discourse, and Writing for the Humanities.

Educating Inequality